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Friday, January 28, 2011


Feeling pretty random if that is outta the ordinary in the slightest...

Spent a few precious days in Florida with family to mourn my grandmother and discuss the next steps for my grandfather, who has Parkinsons. While slightly stressful and not a "happy" planned trip, it was really great to spend full days with family, some of whom I haven't seen in many years. I hate that sometimes death is what brings people together to BS, reminisce and eat yummy food...

Ordered some hot brown knee-high boots from DSW, was ecstatic to get them annnnnnd they look like miniature size 7's. Boo. They fit but boy are they snug on the top of my foot. This discovery was after a 7hr long, crappy weathered car ride from Fl. with my sis, mom and my daughter...a.k.a..way too much estrogen in one SUV for that long. Talk about disappointed...and grumpy. 


On a much happier but slightly weird note...

Sugar snap peas....threw a handful in my bowl of New England Clam Chowder today in an attempt to accomplish my goal of eating a green veggie at least once a day. May sound gross, but I tell ya, it was surprisingly good. I have a severe love for those little boogers...

Oh and...thanks to my friend Becki, I have now discovered Yankee Candle's "Farmers Market" scent...holy delish. It smells like home. She gave me a tart to try and now I'm hooked. You know, as if I don't strive already to keep Yankee Candle in business..

So onto my dilemma...

I recieved an iTunes gift card for Christmas and there is sooooo much music that I want that I can't decide what to get..Amos Lee's latest cd came out last week...loved the free download "Violin" from the album and I just love Amos Lee...Adele's next album comes out February is all mine on that day but that is sooooo far away. The iTunes card will burn a hole in my coffee table prior to then..
The list goes on...The Avett Brothers....been eyeing some Joe Purdy songs that I don't have yet...a few "poppy" songs that are catchy, "The Social Network" score soundtrack (which I actually have not seen but really want to..soon!), and there are even a few country songs that I am thinking about....I def wouldn't call myself a huge country fan but it's in my blood and that what I grew up listening to..rock and country. 

AH! Decisions. Decisions.

Now that I went all over the creation and back again with this post, I really should be finishing starting laundry...since it is 10:52 pm. Eek. I am well known for throwing it in at night and forgetting about it until morning. I'm pooped tonight also so I may scoot into bed before I switch it over...
It's so not looking good for that load of laundry...

Happy almost Saturday....Hope it's full of good music & randomness!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Saying Goodbye...

I give you this one thought to keep - 
I am with you still - I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush,
I am the sweet uplifting rush,
of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not think of me as gone - 
I am with you still in each new dawn.

One of my grandmothers passed away unexpectedly this morning. 
In November, with the encouragement of my mother, I sucked up my "poor me, I don't wanna drive 6 hrs with a one year old today" attitude and made a visit to see my grandparents so that they could meet Avery before she got much older.
At the end of a great 2 day visit, I was so so very glad that I made the trip and now I am even more sure that I was supposed to do it....Funny how life is....

This poem was read at another one of my grandparent's funerals in 2002.
I saved it because I think it is perfect. 

Rest in Peace Gram...
Much Love, 

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Tried this a week ago..and I can't see it on my blog...soooo round 2 of this entry!

A snippet of what I taking away from 2010...

Expect the unexpected. This lesson began in 2009 and carried thru..I think it is now one of my life mottos.

I have a love/hate relationship with technology. It amazes and intrigues me yet annoys and angers me all in the same sentence. I love my LG Envy. Smartphones are gangster and I'd rock one...but this little one here isn't gonna raise herself and I'd rather have QT with her than my phone. 

Life is truly about the little things. Spending time with my one year old reminds me of this on a daily basis.

I am a chronic daydreamer.

Interpretation is key. You can stick two people in the same experience and those two people will not hear, see, or feel the the exact same. Recognizing this is even more important. A great example....My best friend of 25 years, Laura, came to visit me this March and we had an craft nite. We grabbed our sketchbooks, old magazines, scissors, some glue and turned on the music just like we would have 10 or 15 years ago. We threw subjects/words in a hat, shook it up, pulled one out and then our idea was that we would take the topic and each create something out of it using pieces from the magazines. The first one that we chose was "Tree of Life". My tree ended up being a combination of reds and pinks and had a "love" look about it. Laura's tree was made up of all blues and greens. They looked completely different and it was interesting to see what they were reflecting...

I have faaaaaar more patience with humans than dogs. With that being said, I very much so love my dogs but boy-oh-boy, sometimes the insanity that they bring upon me gives me a stellar excuse to leave the house & take Avery on a little adventure.. (then again, who needs an excuse for a little adventure?)

I was born to be a mommy. I didn't know that I could love another living creature so much. I want to live forever...

Chucks came back! Fashion totally repeats itself. Now if only I had saved the cool plaid pair I had when I was 12...Gonna roll into 2011 in these grey ones of twenty-ten. Happiness!

I spend too much time trying to make things work with people who don't matter. Instead, I need to throw my cares & efforts double-fold into the people that do. 

And finally, 

I still hate almonds...sorry guys, maybe in 2011, my love for you will come back. Pregnancy sure does some weird things to your body...

Now....Go out and enjoy the sunshine or the rain or the ipods, no cells, no tv, no video games and no internet....take pictures...write about it....enjoy it. 

Best Wishes of health & happiness with huge amounts of silliness for 2011!

The Value Meal...

A little background...I live in what I like to call a military-thick-area. My husband honorably served an enlistment in the Marine Corps. He deployed to Iraq. We lived on a Marine base for 3 years. I never ever in my life thought I would be one, but I was/am a military wife. It is a "hat" that stays with you. I can't get the patriotism out of my blood and it's ok, I like it. I am proud of my husband and the many people that I have met over the years and am honored to know all of them.

   With that being said....there is a man who I have seen all over the place in the past 6 years that I have lived in this place. I've seen him walking along with local parades, I've seen him walking around the sidewalks downtown. He is always walking and his walk is very distinct because he limps. I gather that he is probably in his 60's, but it is hard to say as some of his teeth are missing, he looks a little ragged and his clothes are shabby. Regardless of all of these things, he is cheery, always saying hello to passerby and smiling. About six months ago, I saw him walking while I was driving and mentioned to a friend next to me that I see him all over the place. She said "Oh yes, I see him alot also, he is a disabled veteran and he is homeless but he is always very cheery." 
   First off, I don't understand how that happens when this man served for his country...especially in a military town. But that is a rant for another day...
     Fast forward to this afternoon....I decided to venture out late, in dire need to get away from my crazy dogs & get some quick fresh winter air for me and the little...perhaps do some leisurely shopping. 
      I went to a couple stores and at the last one, Avery began to fuss a wee bit so I decided to head for home. Sooo, I am walking out the door, trying to keep Avery busy and also hurry because a man on a cell phone is on my heels and I see this man near the entrance. It is the man I was talking about earlier, and he smiles and says "Hello everybody" and I say "Hi" and smile and keep heading for the parking lot. My car is parked close by and as I am taking Aves out of the cart, he approaches me but keeps his distance and says "Um, ma'am could you treat a disabled veteran to a 2.99 value meal at McDonalds so I can eat some dinner?" I tell him that I'm so sorry but that I never carry cash, which is the total truth. I hardly ever have anything but change and I knew that I didn't have much but I also had my hands full with a one year old...
      He says" Oh thats ok, thank you ma'am, God Bless you", smiles and he hobbles back to the store entrance. I got into my car and could barely hold back my tears. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, even if you dont understand it at the time. If I didn't have a one year old that was getting hungry and tired, I would have driven to McDonald's and brought back a value meal to this man. I know that it is likely that he asked everyone that he saw near the store, but what if everyone said no?
     As I shed some tears on the drive home, I made a decision that the next time that I see him walking, I will go and buy him that value meal and drop it off wherever I find him. 
         I feel that I owe him that 2.99 value meal. 
     The irony of this experience being about a "value meal" isn't lost on fact, now the term has taken on new meaning. Whenever I hear it, I will think of this one minute exchange. I thank God for the life that I have and for the situations that he puts us in at times to remind us to be grateful, to be helpful, to be mindful and aware of others. I turned this man down and he still was polite. He is homeless and hungry and he left me with a "God Bless You"...
         I don't know this man's story (though personally, I would love to hear it). One thing that I'm willing to bet...that his limp comes from a war wound....for that alone, we all owe him a value meal.