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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

30 going on 15.

Holy Cats. Have you guys ever checked out

  I actually despise cats..(sorry, furball lovers!)..I'm not sure why that statement was first to come out of my mouth.. but ok here is the deal...
  I have yet to make an account on Pinterest for the very reason that I fear I will get addicted and spend far too much time on the site but then a bestie of mine recommended to me. 

Pinterest what?


If you loved love making collages of fashion or interior design ideas as a high schooler, college student, mommy who is turning 30 tomorrow..ahem...this is your site. It is relatively easy to use with limitless possibilities of making virtual collages. You can search for accessories,shoes and pretty much any article of clothing by colors or keywords and the majority of items on the site also list a price and store or website that you can buy the item on. All the things you need to inspire the perfect outfit for your next special event.
And of course, you can share any of your creations on your social network site of choice or blog and people can "like" them. 

Some of you may already be aware of this loveliness and are saying "girl, where have you been?!" However, if you are fashionably late to the game like me, go check it out but don't say I didn't warn you.

Honey, I'm hooked...

I'm just wondering now if Chris would mind me printing them out and scattering them across the bedroom walls...
With scotch tape. For old times sake.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ohhh, Say Can You Seeeeeee!

I always get a little "homesick" during this weekend. 
I'm a granddaughter of Veterans who grew up to be a Marine Corps wife and July 4th has always been one of my favorite holiday weekends to celebrate with family & friends. 

Don't get me wrong...I don't wear flag earrings and the Old Navy shirts but I'd consider myself pretty patriotic. I am not always proud of things that happen in America but I am very proud to BE an American. I love our country and I am thankful to my family members and friends that have served in our military. Being in the military isn't a job, it is a way of life and there are many that would not sacrifice and be a part of this. I am honored to know these people and be of them. With that being said...

Enjoy your freedoms & Happy Independence Day!

Go have a watermelon eating contest, run barefoot with your children, have a cold beverage in the sunshine & light some sparklers at nightfall! 

                 One of my favorite quotes...

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. " ~Ronald Reagan

                      Oh, and my sweet girl.
                   (Boogabee, June 2010)