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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Favorites

I don't know about you, but I really can't help but feel giddy at the sight of a few Christmas lights. I'm pretty sure it happens the instant that Thanksgiving is over. I get the "itch". 
 The tunes, the food, the traditions, the sights, the memories. I want all of it in huge amounts. Bring on the cheesiness, bring on the cheeriness...
*Insert Dorky Happy Sigh*
I thought that over the next few days, that I would share some of my favorites about this time of year. Some are oldies but goodies, some brand spankin' new, but new or old, these make me grin. Sheepishly. 

 I'll begin with a few newbies. 


I have listened to this at some point every day since my husband surprised me with it's presence on my Itunes a few weeks ago. It is sooo much fun! 
Of course, I would recommend you buy it. 
Like yesterday. (And yes, I'm a Gleek.) 


I love this card. But, I love this website even more. With a capital "L'. I have spent could spend hours just looking at the designs on there. Just for fun. They rock. This was one of my many contemplations for our christmas card this year. However, my budget said "no". 

Baby Sock Advent Calendar
   I'm a sucker for countdowns. I grew up with an advent calendar and have yet to own a really great one in my "adult life". My daughter is barely one this Christmas, so I'm giving myself a year to find one or make one. I'm loving this idea, so sweet and easy! Someone also wrote in the comments that they made one using gloves. Can't you picture a line of cute knit mittens? Hmmm...

And finally, one of my all time favorites.


I watch this movie even when it isn't Christmas. It is one of my go-to movies when I am sick. Cozy and warm, like an old blanket. Reminds me of snuggling with my mom or gram on the couch watching old films. "White Christmas" is a little bit of home for me. 

(P.S. I also have the soundtrack. True fan right there.)

            So, here was the beginning glance of my Christmas time favorites.
  What are some of yours? 

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